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Medical practice in a sentence

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Sentence count:54+1Posted:2018-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: medical practitionerpractice of medicinemalpracticeactual practicesocial practicesexual practicemalpractice insurancemedical procedureMeaning: n. the practice of medicine. 
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31. The inequity in health care policy and medical practice mainly involves vulnerable groups.
32. Medical practice is guided by TCM theory, and the staff on that is TCM talents.
33. If this is true, their medical practice would be illegal.
34. The author proposed that the crime of illegal medical practice also an non - statutory offence to intent.
35. Medical ethics is a borderline science at which medical science and ethical science intersect[], and is also concrete application of general ethics principle to medical practice.
36. In this paper, several problems of the crime of illegal medical practice are analyzed.
37. These draft guidelines specify that doctors should not enter into those pre?paid capitation schemes that are incompatible with a high standard of medical practice.
38. In fact, the group practice concept that the Mayo family originated has influenced the structure and function of medical practice throughout the world.
39. In medical practice, procedure cases due to misdiagnosis and mistherapy are tending to increase.
40. Reports that stating can help prevent stroke recurrence are already affecting medical practice, he said.
41. Now, genetic science is taking its first steps into medical practice.
42. Relations between doctor and patient are basic and important human relation in medical practice.
43. Your medical practice will surely have someone – a specially trained nurse or a doctor – with an interest in helping you to overcome your anxiety.
44. To deal with medical tangle and make utilizable laws(, it is necessary to clear the character of medical malpractice and expert conclusion made by Accident of Medical Practice Expert Committee.
45. Peckham, himself a cancer specialist, is well aware of the wide variations in medical practice.
46. Evidence - based medical practice and practice steps to be followed in principle.
47. Medical decision - making is the primary problem of medical practice due to commercialization of medicine.
48. However, there is still a lack of understanding it in medical practice.
49. Still, the insinuation endures that medical practice lacks a basis in science.
50. The combination point of the medical practice and guidelines. how to grasp?
51. Intuition is an essential component of personal health and appropriate medical practice.
52. Objective To investigate the application of the hypnosis in the medical practice of the sanatorium.
53. In 1983, Rob co - founded Baltimore's first urgent care medical practice, Physicians Promptcare.
54. How did the lobotomy ever become accepted medical practice? And why are people still getting them today, under the less-disturbing name "lobectomy"?
More similar words: medical practitionerpractice of medicinemalpracticeactual practicesocial practicesexual practicemalpractice insurancemedical procedurepracticalpracticallyimpracticalpracticalitypracticalnesspractical jokepractical valuepractical jokerimpracticalitypractical applicationpracticepracticedin practiceunpracticedgeneral practitionerout of practicepracticablesharp practiceput in practicetarget practicefamily practicecode of practice
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